More Baby Squishiness
My nesting has been kicked into overdrive lately and I've been trying to knock things off my To Do List at the speed of light (although for this pregnant mama, that's actually more like a turtle's pace). I started this set almost immediately after finishing the last one. Newborn/ Small Perfection Pants in Mosaic Moon's new 3-ply Uruguay Merino in "Chocolate Sky", trim is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Natural. They are so squishy, they'll definitely be keeping this baby warm this winter.

I also sewed up my post partum pads last week. One dozen 11" pads, based on this pattern. They're 4 layers of flannel and 4 layers of birdseye, I hope it's enough. Since this is my first time using cloth post partum, there's going to be quite a bit of guessing and experimenting.

I've been plugging away at the Christmas gifts, slowly crossing things off my lists, making adjustments. I'm happy to report I'm about 1/2 way through :D

I also sewed up my post partum pads last week. One dozen 11" pads, based on this pattern. They're 4 layers of flannel and 4 layers of birdseye, I hope it's enough. Since this is my first time using cloth post partum, there's going to be quite a bit of guessing and experimenting.

I've been plugging away at the Christmas gifts, slowly crossing things off my lists, making adjustments. I'm happy to report I'm about 1/2 way through :D