Corners of My Home

Inspired by a blog post by SouleMama, I've decided to try and incorporate some "Corners of my Home" on here. This is a special place to me because it's where my son, Little Man sleeps. We're a co-sleeping family, 100% of the time. When he was about 8mo, Little Man started taking up MOST of the queen size bed that he, M, and I shared. So after some research, I discovered a site on how to sidecar our crib. We got the crib as a baby shower gift (in my ignorance as a preggie mama, I swore I'd need it for the baby, only to discover my baby did NOT want to sleep alone ;) EVER!) So sidecarred it we did. Thank goodness too. He is EVERYWHERE in his sleep and now with Mushie in the picture, we still have enough room for the 4 of us to sleep comfy at night.... sort of ;)
We made our own sidecar too. Half the time my almost 2 yr old is sleepingON me anyway. But it is nice to have the extra room to spread out. Reading your blog, I think you and I have a lot in common....
Mary, mom to many
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