Smocks, smocks, and more smocks

I LOVE sewing for my babes. I learned to sew as a child, but I HATED it. My mother is an outstanding seamstress and made all my clothes as a baby and many dresses for me as a little girl. When I became a mom, I wanted to sew things for my son, but I had no sewing machine. Then I had my daughter and the urge to sew her some sweet dresses really set in. For my birthday, my mom gave me her old sewing machine that she had serviced and made sure was in tip-top shape. It's a Singer Diana from 1975. I love this vintage machine. It's basic, yet so sturdy and reliable.

My new obsession is sewing smock tops for Miss Mushie. The pattern is from Fern and Faerie and quite frankly, they're adorable. Right now she's in the small, but this size will take her til she's in a 3T when they'll fit like a shirt. The smocks are a little long on her and she gets stuck crawling so I only put them on her when we're going out and I know she's going to be held the whole time. Paired with her knit longies, this is going to be her uniform for the fall and winter. When the real cold weather rolls in, long sleeve wool undershirts will warm her up under the smocks :) These are the four I've worked on so far.
Soooo cute. I love them! I know I would love sewing if I would get into it...I just need to become less busy in other areas so I can truly enjoy it!
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