Some finished projects
I haven't posted much because I've been quite busy trying to clear out some of my yarn and fabric stashes. Here are some of my latest projects:
My in-laws come to visit and we don't have enough cloth napkins so I whipped some up from my flannel stash. All are double-layered.

I also used up some cotton yarn and knitted the kids a "mesh" bag for their balls that were strewn around the playroom. It's a mish-mosh of yarn, but I used up quite a bit that I probably wouldn't have otherwise used for anything else. More to come as blogger only lets me load 5 pics at a time .
My in-laws come to visit and we don't have enough cloth napkins so I whipped some up from my flannel stash. All are double-layered.

I also used up some cotton yarn and knitted the kids a "mesh" bag for their balls that were strewn around the playroom. It's a mish-mosh of yarn, but I used up quite a bit that I probably wouldn't have otherwise used for anything else. More to come as blogger only lets me load 5 pics at a time .

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