"MY" Fipper

Well, here they are, Little Man's LTK Stripey Slippers (minus the stripes) for Christmas. Only, I don't think they're for Christmas anymore, lol. I started them Saturday morning and finished the first one Saturday evening. Little Man saw it sitting on the dining room table while I was casting on the second slipper. "MY fipper??" he asked so innocently picking it up and putting it to his feet. I figured I'd at least make sure the sizing was right (it was), but before I knew it, he was up and running with the one slipper. "More fipper??" was what he kept asking me all night pointing to his bare foot.
I worked on half the slipper Saturday night and finished it up Sunday morning. All that little boy needed to see was 2 finished slippers.
"Fippers on" was the end of that. Now I need to come up with another homemade Christmas gift for him.... but at least he loves his "fippers".
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