Summer's Last Grasps

There are very few signs of autumn around. Some trees have begun to darken a little, but there are no tell tale golden and red leaves, yet. I canNOT wait. I LOVE autumn. I love the crispness in the air. I love long pants, especially jeans, that are impossible to wear in hot and humid Virginia summer air. I love wearing sweaters. And boots, let us not forget the boots. I love all the apparel that comes with the fall air. I wish it would last for a LONG time. I'm not much of an extreme weather girl, to be honest. My ideal environment would be 2 weeks of summer, autumn, 2 weeks of wcrisp air, winter with maybe a snow or two thrown in there for some white fun, and then spring. I'm more of a moderate temp kinda gal.
So, go hastas. Let the autumn season fall upon us. We welcome the crisp air and crunchy leaves with open arms.
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